Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Retro Mod Wallpaper

I first read about the modernist wallpaper available at  Bradbury & Bradbury at Retro Renovation and fell in love with this stuff.. While I adore the Post-War 1940's prints,  the Atomic Age designs really fit in best with the age of my house.  Either one would work, I suppose.

My favorites...."Sunnyside" from the Post-War collection. (above) and "Appleberry" (below)

Here are some examples from the Atomic Age, 1950's designs.  Each one comes in several colors popular  in that time period, ie. aqua, pink, sage, gray.  Considering my recently uncovered PINK kitchen sink, one of these designs  would probably work well!  Featured prints  include "Atomic Doodle" in pink, "Gee Gee" in sage, and "Boingo" in turquoise.

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